Africa: My Laptop Screen Is Brighter Than Your Future


When disasters and attacks suddenly devastates our homes, when our dreams of success are shattered, when sickness and death stalk our loved ones, one thing can lift our heads and point us forward-hope. Hope for a better tomorow, for a happier day, for a brighter future. Hope that there is more to life than what we now see and feel.

Inside Africa, the continent is slowly becomming hopeless. People in higher offices are making themselves richer while those at the bottom are left in quick sand.

I searched for the truth, for peace, for hope. I could not find any, because nations seem bent on the politics of war. How much blood should be shed for them to see that so many people have died?

We are fighting amongst ourselves, our own people we are killing.

Economies of the continent are at the shattering point. Africa borrows alot of money,but we can not see any change. In Africa, development is a cousin to impossible.

Governments are spending money on what we want forgeting about what we actually need.

Our continent uppears to be spining out of control. Human wisdom nolonger seems to offer a secure future or any hope for happiness. We trusted them, led them into power, is this how hey repay us?

In their selfish minds we are probably dead. They burried us together with their fake promises during campains. Could this be the work of the devil?

Whatever the reason, all I know is that my laptop screen is brighter then Africa’s future.

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